
Veteran Food and Gas Cards Available

Upper Peninsula Commission For Area Progress and Veteran’s Community Action Teams have $50.00 Grocery Cards and $25.00 gas cards for qualifying Veterans and un-remarried surviving spouses. To be eligible, the recipient must live in the Upper Peninsula and be a Veteran/National Guard/ Reserves or un-remarried surviving spouse.
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Griffin Still Missing

Searchers continue to look for five-monthold Griffin who was lost during a traffic accident in South Dakota. He and the rest of his sled dog team were unharmed, though the RV they were in was destroyed.
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Moose Lodge Brings Music to Thursday Nights

The Munising Moose Lodge has found a low-cost solution for those looking for something to do on Thursday nights. Between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. the Lodge opens its doors to the public, offering board games and music whether you’re looking for an easy date night or even just want to meet new friends. Enjoy an old favorite such as Trivial Pursuit or Battleship while listening to some of your favorite music from past decades.
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