
Munising Schools Offer Free Esports League Memberships for Middle and High School Teams

The Michigan High School Esports League (MHSEL) is extending an exciting opportunity to Munising High School students by offering free Esports league memberships for the first time this year. This marks an expansion of the program, which has already seen two successful years of participation by Munising Middle School students. The initiative aims to engage student athletes in competitive and curricular environments, helping them build critical skill sets, explore career paths, and contribute to their school’s culture through varsity Esports.
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Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat in the U.P.

There are several birds that are very picky about what kind of habitat they require, and one of the pickiest is the Kirtland’s warbler. This little bird requires very young, dense stands of jack pine for their breeding habitat. Due to the suppression of wildfires, this type of habitat became older, which resulted in the Kirtland’s Warbler not having suitable breeding habitat and almost going extinct back in the 1970’s. Due to active conservation efforts, the population has since recovered and it was removed from the endangered species list in 2019. This bird is a conservation success story to show that the Endangered Species Act works. However, the work for this warbler isn’t done yet. Since young jack pine forests naturally need fire to be kept in a young state, and humans now suppress wildfires, we need to replace that with active forest management.
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Blueberry Bliss:

Like cherries, which we discussed in an earlier article, Michigan ranks among the top states in the U.S. for blueberry production, and its blueberries are known for their exceptional quality and flavor.
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Munising School Public Library News

Did you know that you can become a sustaining donor to the Munising Library? Show your love of the library by clicking on the donate button on the MSPL website, It’s easy to select the monthly donation option and use your credit card, debit card or PayPal account to get your sustaining donation started. For as little a $5.00 a month you can help the library grow our collection and continue to have great services and programs. Need more info about financial donations? Call the library at 906-387-2125.
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