
The voice inside your head

We’ve talked quite a bit over the last several months about how your thoughts affect pretty much every aspect of your life, and today’s topic is no different. Self-talk, in general, is the voice inside your head; it is the inner dialogue that you have with yourself.
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Dog and cat health benefits

I was very blessed to grow up in Newberry, where our family always had a dog. And we also had a cat that came to us as a tiny kitten, and was with us for about 17 years. A cat’s average life expectancy is about 11 years, and dogs live an average of 13 years.
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Treat yourself to some boredom

In the last decade, our society has made a huge shift from where we used to be, largely due to smartphones, technology, and all things entertainment. By this point, many of us feel the need to be constantly stimulated by scrolling social media, watching T.V., listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks, etcetera, and if we are not able to do these things for any extended period, we tend to feel anxious, annoyed, or even angry.
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What’s this pain in my left side?

Q: I am a 54-year-old man and I’ve been having some pain in the left lower area of my stomach now and then. When the pain is at its worst, I feel feverish, though I haven’t taken my temperature. The pain has not yet been severe enough to make me go to see my doctor, but I would like to know what might be causing this; can you help?
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What is fear?

At its most basic level, fear is your body’s “alarm system” that tries to keep you safe. It is your body’s response to the belief that something is going to harm you in some way. Whether physical or emotional, real or imagined, our bodies react in very noticeable ways to things that we are afraid of. In some cases, fear is actually helpful- if you are being chased by a bear, for instance. But when our fears keep us from experiencing life to the fullest, that is not a good thing.
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Grand Marais Music and Art Festival another success

The 42nd annual Grand Marais Music and Art Festival was held once again last week and was considered a resounding success, despite slightly lower attendance and some unfavorable weather conditions. “We are getting calls from a lot of festivals that this is the last year, it is a weird environment [for similar events],” Chamber of Commerce president Devin Lawrence said.
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Love yourself healthy

For those of us who were young during the “fad diet years”, self-criticism and always seeking to change our body can seem normal. Many of us grew up watching women around us constantly seeking to make their body smaller, through endless cardio or any of the various fad diets.
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