You might hear the word “trauma” and imagine a scene from a television emergency room with medical personnel running every which way and grim music playing in the background. But the real- life trauma that many of us have experienced is much different.
High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol is a fat in the body that can increase one’s risk for heart attack, stroke and artery disease. A simple lab test call tell you what your cholesterol is. What do those numbers mean?
In honor of National Women’s Month, here is the second set of the 12 women chosen by the Munising Business and Professional Women’s Club to honor in their 1976 bicentennial publication as introduced in the March 14 edition of The Beacon.
The Munising City Commission convened for its regularly scheduled meeting on March 17, addressing key civic matters including a Fourth of July event license, the search for a new city manager, a boat launch improvement project and the purchase of emergency service equipment.
State Rep. Karl Bohnak’s official appearances in Alger County last Friday sparked meaningful community engagement, logistical reshuffling and pointed public questioning as residents turned out in unexpected numbers to make their voices heard.
Lisa Cromell, director of the Munising School Public Library, is among 100 library directors from across Michigan selected to participate in the Post Pandemic Public Library Leadership Cohort.