
Navigating the waters

Recent allegations by local fisherman Rich Beauchaine have cast a spotlight on fishing activities by the Bay Mills Tribe in Au Train Bay, raising questions about compliance with tribal treaty rights and conservation practices.
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Writers Wanted

The Munising Beacon is expanding its team of reporters and writers across Alger County. Are you passionate about reporting on the decisions made by government boards and commissions? Do you have a knack for finding and telling stories about the people in our community? Are you interested in writing about local sports, arts, the outdoors or business news?
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Genesis 1-2 shows creatio ex nihilo

Belief in the Creation account as literally described in Genesis 1–2 is not a doctrine that should be held loosely. A figurative stance on interpreting this passage causes great theological ramifications because such an interpretation is at odds with the testimony of the rest of Scripture and the uses of Creation as a foundation for the doctrinal positions of the biblical authors.
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