
Winter Pile Burning on Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests

Gladstone and Ironwood, MI -- The Upper Peninsula Fire Management Unit plans to burn slash piles on the Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests this fall and winter that were generated from forest thinning and timber sales. Thinning projects improve forest health and wildlife habitat and reduce the risk of wildfire near private residences and infrastructure. Slash from these projects is piled and burned to remove debris that could fuel wildfire.
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This week in history

100 Years Ago - The Munising News - Dec. 7, 1923 Carmody & Tidd of Munising have taken over the Ford garage agency and salesroom in Newberry, heretofore conducted by Mr. Grover. The new firm will be known as Newberry Motor company, and is backed with an abundance of capital to carry on business. Mr. Tidd informs The News that they will carry a complete stock of cars and are planning an aggressive sales campaign.
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Nowicki wins UP Voice contest

Melody Nowicki won the 2023 UP Voice competition at a packed Gallery Coffee Company on Thursday, Nov. 30. The 18-year-old singer and guitar player took the title with her performance of “Jolene” by Dolly Parton and sang an encore of “Something in the Orange” by Zach Bryan after her victory was announced.
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Munising School Public Library notes

Thank you to all who donated new children’s books for the Gift of Reading this year. You have brightened a child’s holiday with the gift that keeps giving every time they read. The books have been sent on their way to be distributed, and we hope for even more participation next year, so remember that while you shop for books.
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Should I use marijuana for pain relief?

Q: I am 55 years old and have suffered from chronic pain since an auto accident about 10 years ago. A relative told me that smoking marijuana or eating products containing tetrahydrocannabinoid (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD) could really help me get around better with a lot less discomfort. However, I’ve been reluctant because of various reports that it can lead to use of more powerful “pain killers” and possible addiction.
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