
This Week in History

125 Years Ago – The Munising Republican – January 7, 1899 Female Employees Discharged On Jan. 1, the women clerks and stenographers employed by the Chicago & Northwestern railroad in all its general offices were discharged, except in cases where long service made retention a matter of justice and necessity. The change was general, covering all branches of the system and men are now employed exclusively in its business departments.
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Reckitt/Mead Johnson Nutrition (MJN), a producer of nutrition products, announced today that it has voluntarily chosen to recall from the U.S. market select batches of Nutramigen Powder, a specialty infant formula for the dietary management of Cows Milk Allergy (CMA) in 12.6 and 19.8 oz cans, due to a possibility of contamination with Cronobacter sakazakii in product sampled outside the U.S. All product in question went through extensive testing by MJN and tested negative for the bacteria. –


Knitting at the Munising Public Library The first meeting of the Happy Lamb Yarn Club is January 9th from 4-6pm at the Munising Public Library. All skill levels and all types of fiber artists are welcome! If you’ve already got a project on the needles/crochet hook/ loom*, please feel free to join and bring your project for coffee and chitchats.
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Bowling Alley to Reopen

The long-anticipated reopening of the bowling alley begins with a New Year’s Eve party for the kids of Munising. On December 31st, the Lion’s Club of Munising is hosting a party for kids from sixth to twelfth grade from 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. with free bowling, and plenty of food and pop for those who attend.
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