
Management over medication: Fall and winter preparation for your swine farm

Do you own and manage a small swine herd operation? Many things need to be addressed for the comfort and needs of the pigs as the seasons change and the weather gets colder. This typically involves some key considerations to ensure optimal health, welfare and productivity of the herd. The important things to keep in mind are heating, lighting, nutrition, health management, environmental management and record keeping of all the these items is essential.
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Alger County Plat Books

Alger County Plat Books - $35.00* The 2023 Alger County Plat Books are now available. To order by mail, please send a check or money order for $43.00 ($35 + $8 shipping) made payable to Alger County 4-H Council and mail to: Alger County 4-H Council c/o MSU Extension, E9526 Prospect Street, Suite 1, Munising, MI 49862.They are available to purchase from the Alger County MSU Extension Office, 906-387-2530* Additional Pricing Information through MSU Extension: To purchase the book(s) with a credit card, the cost is $36.75 + 6% MI Sales Tax. If you want your book mailed (ground advantage through the U.S. Postal Service), there is an additional $8.00 charge to cover the shipping. Plat Books can also be purchased at Peoples State Bank, MSU U.P. Research & Extension Center, Chatham Co-op, Holmquist Feed Mill, Alger Conservation District.
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McBroom, U.P. reps support Line 5 ruling

Upper Peninsula legislators, including local State Senator Ed McBroom, vocalized their support of the Michigan Public Service Commission’s (MPSC) $500 million plan to encase a four-mile section of the pipeline within a protective tunnel. The approval was decided on a 2-0 vote, with Commissioner Alessandra Carreon abstaining due to her recent appointment to the commission four months ago.
Read MoreMcBroom, U.P. reps support Line 5 ruling


The Munising Beacon is looking for local children to share with us their letters to Santa. Sending a copy of letters from the area’s good boys and girls has been a long-standing tradition in the U.P., but was lost after the closing of The Munising News. Email your letter to munisingbeacon@ or fill out the form found inside this edition.
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Winter Pile Burning on Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests

Gladstone and Ironwood, MI -- The Upper Peninsula Fire Management Unit plans to burn slash piles on the Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests this fall and winter that were generated from forest thinning and timber sales. Thinning projects improve forest health and wildlife habitat and reduce the risk of wildfire near private residences and infrastructure. Slash from these projects is piled and burned to remove debris that could fuel wildfire.
Read MoreWinter Pile Burning on Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests