
Winter Pile Burning on Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests

Gladstone and Ironwood, MI -- The Upper Peninsula Fire Management Unit plans to burn slash piles on the Hiawatha and Ottawa National Forests this fall and winter that were generated from forest thinning and timber sales. Thinning projects improve forest health and wildlife habitat and reduce the risk of wildfire near private residences and infrastructure. Slash from these projects is piled and burned to remove debris that could fuel wildfire.
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Grant supports exhibit on U.P.“ExceptionalWomen”

The Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center at Northern Michigan University has received an $8,500 grant from Michigan Humanities to create a traveling exhibition titled Extraordinary Women of the Upper Peninsula. The exhibition will feature women from the U.P.’s 15 counties who have had a regional, national or international impact through their work in politics, science, international relations, Native American rights, literature and other fields.
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