
Weekly prayer meeting announced

To the editor: A few weeks ago, at the November Munising school board meeting, some parents and grandparents spoke up for their very young elementary school students about disturbances that were going on in the classrooms and in the halls. What they said hurt my heart and, I think, everyone in the room.
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Writer encourages Christians to vote

This letter is about voting, but it specifically addresses Christians. If you are one, how do you feel about the direction our country is taking? Are you happy or unhappy about it? Do you feel any anxiety or fear about it? Did you realize that 40 million Christians don’t vote? And 15 million Christians aren’t even registered? Those are pathetic figures. This apathy with Christians not getting involved in politics because it’s “dirty” has resulted in the USA being in the position it’s in right now. If every Christian would see voting as not only a privilege but a responsibility, being a good steward of what God has so graciously given us, then we would have the candidates in office that reflect God and our values. Think of it this way: Your vote is a seed, but if you don’t plant it, you can’t reap the rewards. God needs us to go from the pews to the polls!
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