
Box scores add to the story

Why do we publish box scores? If you go further into The Munising Beacon, the results and standings from a number of sporting events are included, ranging from high school sports to adult rec leagues. It’s a legacy staple of newspapers called box scores and handles a number of sports-related results, transactions and statistics.
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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor: The authors of the news article “Michigan shouldn’t worry about becoming a ‘climate haven’”(May 19, 2023), Jason Hayes and Jarrett Skorup, from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, basically dismissed the idea of Climate Refugees flocking to the Upper Peninsula. They did so without taking into consideration our diverse and fragile ecosystems that are and will be affected by climate change.
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The working grocer

This photo was taken on the working side of Bob’s IGA today — the area behind the swinging doors just down a few steps from the isle-beer, bread, and crazy-good cheesecakes. I chose to take this picture on the non-grocery side of the building because this is where it all happens.
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Letters to the Editor

Recently in Louisville, a 25 year-old with mental health issues killed five innocent people and injured eight others with an AR-15 assault style weapon, before being fatally shot by police inside the bank where he worked.
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Grand Marais Chamber of Commerce notes

What did April in Grand Marais look like? It can be anywhere from snow storms to unseasonable 80-degree weather for a week that wakes up a mosquito or two. A fast melt of feet of snow that combine rushing rivers that cause massive waterfalls! April can also bring some spectacular Northern Lights that dance overhead for those with insomnia to enjoy.
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Update from St. John’s

The congregation is looking forward to our annual visit ofThe Rt. Rev. Rayford Ray, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan this Sunday, April 30. Bishop Ray will preach and officiate at the 10 a.m. Eucharist. A light lunch and fellowship will follow the service.
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Remember the accomplishments of our local students

Success in our schools overloaded the news section of this week’s edition, and for good reason. In and out of the classroom, Alger County students have worked hard to improve themselves. It’s been through plays, through trades, through sports and through social activities. They play instruments, volunteer and show leadership that will help strengthen the community, both now and for as long as they stay in the area. The trophy cases at all of the schools in Alger County are full for various reasons and, personally, I’m proud of every single one of them for their efforts.
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