
Pure Michigan is pure secrecy

As travel bureaucrats and industry members gather in Grand Rapids for another “Pure Michigan Governor’s Conference On Tourism,” they are keeping a big secret from you. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, which administers the state’s taxpayer- funded tourism promotion program, works to keep key data involving state tourism away from those who might question Pure Michigan’s effectiveness.
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Letters to the Editor

In the recent discussion of the Alger County Commission Resolutions 2023-07 (which have no legal binding), a point was made that mental health was a factor in most of the gun assaults and killings around the country.
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Letters to the Editor

Passed resolutions wrong idea This letter is in response to two resolutions adopted by your county Board of Commissioners at their April 10th meeting. The two resolutions, #202307 and #2023-08 were put forth under the guise of protecting your right to bear arms, often portrayed as ‘freedom’. There has been much debate, discussion and division about this topic, prompted by the dramatic rise in mass shootings across our country.
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Munising School Public Library notes

Tale Spinners Storytime will be Earth Day themed on Mon. Apr. 17 at 10:30 as the first official event for Earth Fest. Pre-school aged children and their caregivers are invited to attend to hear stories, sing songs and make a simple craft as we celebrate our Earth. This 30 minute activity is for ages 7 and under.
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Right idea, wrong words for gun resolutions

The Second Amendment is a crucial point of American policy. It is the last protection for an average citizen to feel like they are getting a fighting chance when something goes wrong, even when that something wrong is the direct result of the government. It is a good idea for Alger County to take the steps to support the Second Amendment and the opportunity to protect ourselves when nobody else will.
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Burnout apparent in service industry

I went out to eat over this weekend with my kids and the staff weren’t having a good day, epicenter around the hostess. I don’t know what was going on, but I could feel it and see it. They were trying so hard to keep it under wraps; the hostess took a 15-minute break and another covered for her and waited her own tables but it didn’t work. She was trying to do small distracting tasks like wrap silverware, clean menus, wipe the counter, but from my booth I could feel the screaming in her head every time she saw guests approach the door and her heart sank. She was drowning in something and nothing she did would distract while having to work the minimum wage job she likely desperately needed.
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Letters to the Editor

I remember the day still, April 20, 1970, when as a ninth grader my whole school took part in the first Earth Day. Each home room decorated their room’s door with an Earth friendly theme. In preparation for the day, we learned about air and water pollution, population growth, and conservation. We created skits projecting what the Earth of the future would look like. It was time when Americans joined together to talk about the future of our Earth.
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