
What Is God Like? What Are His Attributes?

When we talk about God and who He is, we often discuss his attributes. According to the Oxford dictionary, an attribute is “a quality or character considered to belong to or be inherent in a person or thing; a characteristic quality.” The attributes of God are descriptions of who God is in His entire essence, not pieces of God. Each of his attributes is essential to his nature, meaning that if an attribute were denied, then God would no longer be God.
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Letter to The Editor

August 13, 2024 Dear Editor: Like a lot of you I’ve been glued to the television for two weeks watching the summer olympics. It makes one proud to see our athletes standing on the podium while they play the national anthem. Regardless if it’s gold, silver or bronze it still makes us proud to see them strutting around the arena draped in the United States flag. The nice thing about those flags is that they all seem to be new flags. More often than not that isn’t always the case with flags hanging from our flag poles here at home. Some have been out in the elements way too long and either need to be repaired or replaced. It is our responsibility to treat it with respect. If your flag is beyond repair, please take it down and drop it off in the box outside the Legion Post. Every year on flag day (June 14th) the Marine Corp League has a nice ceremony at the Legion and disposes of all the flags that have been put in the collection box.. They separate the stars from the stripes and burn them.
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This Week In History

Sourced from the Digital Archive at the Munising Public Library~ consider checking out this wonderful resource for your own research and/or entertainment! 135 years ago - The Alger County Republican - July 27, 1889 Note The suspension of the issues of the Republican for a couple of months, and its resumption under temporary management, may have led its patrons to fear for its permanency, and it is due to them to state that Republican is one of the fixed institutions of Alger County. Note from writer: this was The Republican’s last year publishing in Alger County.
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Should kids be vaccinated against RSV?

Q: I am in my 30s and my husband and I have 3-year-old twin daughters. Their primary care physician suggested, at their last well-child visit six weeks ago, that the girls should receive a vaccine against the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), particularly since my parents, who are in their early 70’s, babysit the girls essentially every Sunday afternoon.
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Celebrating a Legacy: Libby Marshall Blank Retires from Munising Public Schools

After 33 years of dedicated service, Libby Marshall Blank attended her last school board meeting on June 25, 2024, marking her retirement from Munising Public Schools. She leaves behind a legacy of exceptional financial stewardship, unwavering professionalism, and profound community impact. A private and reserved individual, Libby’s work ethic and commitment to the school district have earned her the respect and admiration of colleagues, administrators, and the community.
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