
A Wildlife Aesthetic

Wildlife species and habitat quality too often, perhaps, are couched under the labels of “good” and “bad” using human attributes when, in reality, all habitat conditions produce “winners” and “losers”.
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Getting Healthy Munising Style

Katt Hansen What resolution have you made for the New Year? If you’re like most people, improving your health probably has figured into your plans for 2024. Improving fitness, eating better, losing weight and improving mental health all top the list of most common resolutions according to various polls and statistics for 2024.
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Leafless Tree ID

It’s possible! In fact, winter tree identification is easier after all those leaves get out of the way. Bewilderment often greets the dormant season forest visitor in terms of tree identification.
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Celestial Beauty

Mother Nature is bringing celestial festivities to the final weeks of 2023 with the Geminid and Ursid meteor showers gracing December nights. Stargazers should mark December 13 for the vibrant Geminids and December 21, which hosts the Ursids’ peak alongside the winter solstice.
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