
Splash In a grand success

The Grand Marais community hosted the 24th annual Splash-In on the Bay, an annual event showcasing seaplanes and amphibious aircraft from around the Midwest. Roughly 15 planes participated in various contests in front of roughly 500 airplane enthusiasts.
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Win shows success in a small town

The pieces were already in place last year for this magical run. Through injury and difficulty we were off to regionals in the storied Negaunee Lakeview Arena against a familiar foe, the North Central Jets. NC controlled the game throughout sending our boys home knowing what could have been. The feeling of familiarity losing in that fashion, to that team, led me to believe that the bar just may be too high for our little town. Counties close to major population areas would always be able to pull more talent together, and we would always just be the loveable underdog.
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Take steps after your forest management plan

Editor’s Note: This continues an ongoing series published through the Alger Conservation District. The first story is available in the Dec. 9, 2022 edition Happy New Year! If you’re following along from last month, we discussed the importance of Forest Management Plans (FMP’s). FMP’s are an inventory and analysis of what your forest looks like and what species are present. FMP’s can also help identify trees that may be infected by insect or disease and opportunities to improve wildlife habitat and also recommendations to work towards a healthier forest. An FMP is a guidance tool for landowners to follow to assist them in meeting their goals for their properties.
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